“And I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” -John 17:26 “

Founder: Jesus Christ

John 13:34, John 17:26, Matt. 28:19-20

Why Live to Love with Jesus?

The church has lost God’s vision, anointing, and witness because it is not calling people to what Jesus calls His followers, namely, to be disciples of Christ who walk by the Spirit and who are known by their love. If the body of Christ were awakened to their true God-given reason for living (to know and love God by living to love with Jesus) they would obey Jesus’ command to love and make disciples. Then evangelism, community-life, and sanctification would naturally flow and grow.

What Is the Purpose of the Live To Love Adventure?

We believe God wants to overwhelm His people by His love, freeing them from unbelief and selfishness so that they can experience His joy by living to love with Him.

What is our Mission?

To generate and sustain a movement of the Holy Spirit to live to love with Jesus and intentionally make disciples as a lifestyle.

Who is this Adventure for?

Anyone who has experienced the love of God through Jesus Christ